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You Don't Have to be Lost


I do not like feeling lost. It's probably safe to say its's a pet peeve of mine. When I get lost, all sorts of insecurities come into play - I feel vulnerable and exposed; I develop a fear of uncertainty, and feel unprepared for unexpected encounters. I feel unstable and unsure of what to do both in the moment and as my next step. Being lost is a very uncomfortable place for me to be, so I avoid it at ALL costs. I go through extreme measures to ensure I don't get lost when traveling into unfamiliar territory. I have my google maps ready; I have an offline map available as well, just in case; I also ALWAYS make sure someone knows where I'm going, ya know - in case I need saving of some sort! Today's scripture gives us a fool proof way of never being lost when trekking along on our journeys - both spiritually and in life. If we seek His will, He will tell us exactly where to go and what to do when we get there. He will direct our path. There's a sense of peace and security I get from knowing that with God I am never lost - even if I feel it sometimes. He's always with me, waiting for me to consult with Him on where we're going next. Stand strong in the faith, Beloved! Keep going in your Faithing It Together Journey! And don't forget to tell someone where you're headed - ya know, in case you need saving of some sort ?! FIT Day Seventeen - let's go!

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