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Testimonies are for Sharing


I couldn't think of a better scripture to encourage you today than this one! Many of you may not know it, but Beloved ministries was actually founded and built upon this very scripture. Revelation 12:11 is near and dear to my heart, and changed my outlook of life once a got a clear understanding of what it truly says. The first part of this scripture "the blood of the lamb" was already taken care of when Jesus died on the cross for us all those years ago. The second part of the scripture is where we come into play...but get this, its success doesn't lie entirely on us! Think about it - what is a testimony, exactly? I like to think of my testimonies as all of the ways the Lord has come through for me when nothing made sense, and the predictable outcome is proven wrong; when ALL odds were against me, but somehow I made it out on top! The times I didn't have enough money, time, space, energy, resources, etc - and God filled in the gaps and made up the difference! Every situation that I don't have a logical answer for as to how it worked out is my testimony! God is constantly setting us up for a testimony. If you don't see it, try looking a bit closer. Now, don't miss this, Beloved - Revelation 12:11 says our testimony has the power to overcome the enemy - all we have to do is speak it?! Your testimony is powerful, and holds within it hope, freedom, and faith to so many. Don't continue to allow the devil, or life's trials, to silence you any longer - there is a way to overcome the enemy. Share your testimony; stand together in faith. This is the goal of Beloved Ministries. This is why I will always share with you all the ways God makes for me. If He can do it for me, He can and will do it for you, too! Faithing It Together includes sharing your testimony to anyone who needs to know...God is Able! FIT Day Fourteen!

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