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The Heart of the Matter


For we live by believing, not by seeing - 2 Cor 5:7

I will be honest with you...Until more recently than I'm proud to admit, I definitely lived my life based on what I could see. Now allow me to be honest with you again - it was a horribly limiting way to live?! Because there wasn't much to actually look at in my life, the bar for my life's ambition, aspiration, and dreams was set pretty low. Believing, in contrast to seeing, is looking through the lens of your heart. Remember everything concerning God is a matter of the heart. He has planted passion, purpose, and potential deep inside your heart where it's safe. He's also the only way to reveal it and bring it forth to manifestation...This is where believing comes onto the scene. When looking towards your future, be careful to use the proper lens to see the plans and vision God has placed in your heart. It won't make any sense at all to those looking in from the outside, but as God Girls we must get used to looking at our lives from the inside out?!

Consider this: What vision has God placed deep inside your heart? Write it down, pray over it, commit to it - no matter how big, silly, or crazy it may seem right now!

Remember, you're not alone, your huddle is Faithing It with you on this! Day Four - Done!

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